On 21 May 2024, the Council of the European Union adopted the EU AI Act. This is the last step in the legislative process. Now the EU AI Act will be signed by the presidents of the EU Parliament and the Council of the EU and be published in the Official Journal of the EU, coming into force 20 days later, so around mid-to-late June 2024. 

The obligations are staggered, with the phase out of prohibited AI systems applying from 6 months after entry into force and the majority of the obligations fully applicable within 24 months (apart from the exceptions identified in Annex I which apply in 36 months). Keep an eye on our blog as we will be providing further updates once the Act is published. 

For in depth analysis of the EU AI Act see our article here, and for those interested in what this legislation means for employers click here. More information can be found in our AI hub and of course if you have any questions please do get in touch with your usual LS contact.